Land Investment Management
We provide comprehensive management strategies that explore the ways in which your land investment can work for you.
Land Investment Management includes how both the physical land asset itself is managed to keep it in prime condition as well as developing investment strategies such as conservation easements, water and mineral rights, natural resources, agriculture, and possibly subdivision of certain parcels.

Ranch Land Management & Maintenance
Development of Investment Strategies
Committment To Sustainable Practices
Every ranch property and owner are unique. What is right for one person on a certain ranch may be completely different for another. We help assess what is right for you and develop strategies accordingly.
LAND investment MANAGEMENT project Overview
How we can help you to maximize your investment through different management strategies.
Investment Management and Maintenance
Western Lands will develop a specific, post-enhancement Operations and Maintenance plan to keep your land investment in prime condition. This will include performance plans and schedules. In addition, we will schedule site visits to ensure these plans are being met and to introduce new adaptive management strategies as necessary. This is imperative to maximize the overall value of the asset.
Ranching and Agriculture
Ranch properties that are not actively ranching or producing agricultural goods are generally taxed as vacant land, which leads to significantly high tax rates for you. Western Lands will help you establish working ranch and agricultural strategies that not only save you in taxes, but are sustainable, regenerative operations that produce high quality food. These agricultural strategies can also contribute to the aesthetic, ecological and functional health of the land.
Natural Resources
There can be many untapped opportunities to use the natural resources on a property that may, in turn, improve the ecological health and aesthetics of the ranch itself. While there are too many to list here and each property is unique, some of the projects we’ve worked on include wetland creation for habitat and water quality improvement, forestry services for wildfire fuel reduction, stream restoration, gravel mine reclamation, etc.
Conservation Easements
Conservation Easements can be excellent financial strategies in the right circumstances. While they are not for everyone, they can offer a very effective way to protect your land investment in perpetuity and create a significant financial benefit by offsetting income tax burdens. We can discuss the pros and cons of conservation easements with you and see if this strategy can make sense for your particular ranch.
Potential recreational opportunities may include providing private hunting and fishing agreements, horseback riding, guest ranch accommodations, and special access permits for hiking, mountain biking, or mountaineering. While some ranch owners may not want to allow access on their property, some have found a lucrative revenue stream that with a little effort can help offset cost of ownership expenses.
Land Development
Occasionally, subdividing a few parcels of land from a property can make exceptional financial sense for a ranch owner. We can assess the land and provide a comprehensive master plan and due diligence for all design, permitting, and construction requirements. We would conduct an impact study and offer an objective pros and cons list for the project.

Let’s Bring Your Vision To Life
Talk with a member of our team today and let’s create a sustainable solution to protect your legacy.